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Lent at FPC

everything {in} between

Some of my favorite places in creation come from the in-between spaces. In the space between night and day, the sun and atmosphere collide into a dazzling display of color. Waterfalls span the space between cliffs and the river below with astonishing power. Mangrove forests, beaches, and bayous exist entirely in the space between land

and water.


The edges of things, the mixing spaces, the spaces where biomes collide, are the most interesting places on earth.


And yet, so often in our lives, we feel like we must exist in categories. We construct things to simply be black or white, right or wrong, this or that.


But what if we threw the boxes aside? God created night and day and everything in between. God created land and water and everything in between. God created you and me and everything in between.


So, what if we believed that God showed up not only in the black-and-white, but also in the shades of gray? What if we trusted that God shows up everywhere in between?


The season of Lent invites us into these in-betweens. Lent itself is a season of in-betweens. Jesus is on the road, yet he’s not there yet. Jesus is telling stories, but the crowds don’t understand. Jesus is leading a parade, but it’s not the one they expected. Jesus is risen, but the disciples can’t forget the cross.


And so, this Lent, you’re invited to join us as we remember that faith is more complex than this or that, black or white, true or false storytelling. You’re invited to join us as we explore our story of faith as a story of in-betweens, of messy middles and nuanced surprises.


This Lent, we’re wading into the middle, and we trust that God will meet us, and even surprise us, there.



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Sunday Worship

Sundays at 10:30am

Join us every Sunday as we worship through music, Scripture, sermons, and prayers. Nursery is available beginning at 10:15am and Kids Sunday School occurs during worship.

Ash Wednesday

March 5

24 Hour Prayer Vigil – Join our church family for a day of prayer as we enter the season of Lent. Sign-ups are available for hour-long time slots from midnight to midnight on Wednesday, March 5. You are welcome to pray wherever you are, or to come to the sanctuary (please contact Pastor Kimmy if you plan to pray at the church). There will be a prayer guide available.


Worship – As we begin the Lenten season, we turn inward, reminding ourselves that Jesus is concerned not just with our outward actions, but with our hearts. All are welcome to our Ash Wednesday Worship on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:00pm. Service will include the imposition of ashes.

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Soup Supper & Worship

Wednesdays, beginning March 12, at 5:00pm

After a long hiatus, it’s back! You won’t want to miss our rotating Soup Supper and Worship! Moving between the mainline churches in Lewistown, each pastor will reflect on significant people in our denomination, and what we might learn from these historical figures for our life today. The whole community is welcome on Wednesday evenings, with dinner served at 5:00pm and worship beginning around 5:45pm. Programs begin on Wednesday, March 12.


March 12 – St. James Episcopal Church (502 W. Montana)

March 19 – Zion Lutheran Church (604 W. Evelyn)

March 26 – First Presbyterian (215 5th Ave S.)

April 2 – Lewistown United Methodist (512 W. Broadway)

April 9 – St. James Episcopal Church (502 W. Montana)

Palm Sunday

April 13 at 10:30am

Palm Sunday remembers Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. His entry inspires the multitudes to shout out and praise God. But the religious leaders aren’t exactly pleased, and they try to silence the crowds. But the noise level isn’t the point, because if it was silent, then the stones would cry out. Join us for worship on Sunday, April 13 at 10:30am, which will include the Parade of Palms.

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Maundy Thursday

April 17 at 7:00pm

In his final hours, Jesus redefines power through acts of humility, including washing the feet of and sharing a meal with his closest friends, even those who will soon deny and betray him. In his words, and his actions, Jesus demonstrates that humility is powerful, and real power is shown through humility. Join us for worship on Thursday, April 17 at 7:00pm as we gather around the Table, remembering the final night before Jesus’ death.

Good Friday

April 18

Good Friday remembers Jesus’ death on the cross.


Worship – Join us for worship at noon at First Presbyterian Church (215 5th Ave S) as we hear again the story of Jesus’ arrest, trial, crucifixion, and burial.


Reflections on the Seven Last Words of Christ The Gospels record the seven words Jesus spoke from the cross, but in the midst of all that happens on Thursday and Friday, sometimes we are quick to rush through them. This is an invitation to slow down, to pay attention, and to really hear Jesus’ words. Join us for a self-guided journey, using scripture, art, and written reflections, to explore the seven last words of Jesus from 6:00-8:00pm. Come when you would like and stay for as long as you would like. A guide for reflection will be available.

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Easter Worship

April 20 at 10:30am

Early in the morning, while it was still dark, the women went to the tomb to prepare Jesus’ body according to their customs. Except the tomb was empty, the women found hope amidst their morning. The other disciples didn’t believe their words, but Peter, caught in the in-between of grief and hope, runs to the tomb to see for himself. Join us for Easter worship on Sunday, April 20 at 10:30am as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Nursery will be available beginning at 10:15am. Children are welcome in worship for the full service.




First Look

Tuesdays at 1:30 pm

Come explore the upcoming sermon text! First Look is a chance to take a step back from the scripture to learn about the text's history and context, before diving in to consider how God might be speaking to us today. We’ll begin Lent scriptures on Tuesday, March 4. Facilitated by Kimmy Briggs

"Minor" Points

Tuesdays at 7:00pm

During Lent, we are called back into right relationship with God and one another. Join us as we survey and discuss the so-called “Minor Prophets” of the Old Testament, the lesser-known, but no less powerful messengers from Hosea to Malachi who God sent to prod both the ancient Israelites, and us today, away from destructive habits and toward reconciliation. Beginning March 11, classes will meet Tuesdays at 7pm for six weeks. There is no book to purchase or homework. All are welcome whenever you can make it! Facilitated by Will Briggs

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Becoming Like Christ

Wednesdays at 10:00am

John Mark Comer defines discipleship this way: “Being with Jesus. Becoming like Jesus. And doing as Jesus did.” But becoming a disciple isn't a solitary task; it is meant to be done in community. Join us as we seek to become disciples of Jesus together. Join us this Lent as we continue our exploration of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Facilitated by Kimmy Briggs



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Kids Sunday School

Sundays, beginning March 9, during worship

During Lent our kids will explore the actions, words, and stories of Jesus found in the Gospel of Luke. The stories will align with worship, so this is a great chance to keep the conversations going at home. Kids start in worship, then head to Sunday School after the Children’s Message.

(note, there will not be Kids Sunday School on not Easter Sunday)


April 13, following worship

All are welcome to join us on Sunday, April 13 following worship, for lunch, egg decorating, crafts, games, and an Easter egg hunt! Activities will be available from 11:30-1:30; lunch will be served until 12:00pm. The Easter egg hunt will be at 1:00pm.

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Exploring Holy Week at Home

The events between Palm Sunday and Easter morning are some of the most important of the Christian faith. But they can be hard for parents to explain and hard for kids to understand. To help, this year we’re providing an at-home booklet for families to explore together. Storytelling with Shapes uses tangrams to tell and illustrate the stories of Holy Week. Packs will be available for pick-up at the church, including any needed supplies. Grab yours today!



Whether you’re looking to supplement in-person, corporate, practices during Lent, or wanting to mark the season of Lent on your own, we offer the following guides to aid your Lenten season.

Six Weeks of Mindfulness

Sundays at 9am in the Chapel (near the offices)

Join us before worship on Sunday mornings, during Lent, beginning March 9, for 45 minutes of practicing mindfulness. Using scripture and prayer, we will strengthen our faith through this experience. During our time together, we’ll learn some basics of mindfulness, including the body scan, 4-square breathing and how to reduce stress with basic breathing techniques. This will allow you to center your mind, body, and soul. We will learn to be present, letting go of judgement of ourselves and others, so that we can grow closer to God. This is beginner friendly! And if you are curious to learn more before jumping in, there will be a chance to ask questions after worship on Sunday, March 2.

Facilitated by Margee Smith and Monica Clinton

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Devotion Cards

Beginning with Ash Wednesday, and continuing through Easter, these cards provide a daily question for reflection and prayer. They’ll come on a key ring, so not only are they transportable, but cards with particular meaning can be easily removed and displayed. Day by day, may these cards remind you of God’s presence with you in all the in-betweens. Sets of cards are available at the church.

Lent & Luke

Our worship series will focus on texts in the middle of the Gospel of Luke, but the whole of the Gospels offers an opportunity for intentional reflection throughout the season of Lent. This guide provides a plan to read the entire Gospel of Luke during Lent, with readings slowing down during Holy Week to focus on those events. Guide will begin on Ash Wednesday and conclude on the Monday after Easter. Lent and Luke is available digitally (link below) and at the church.

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The Poetry of Lent

Looking for an alternative way to experience Lent? This guide is for you! Using a variety of sources, this guide provides a poem-a-day for the season of Lent. Readings begin on Ash Wednesday and conclude on the Monday after Easter. The Poetry of Lent is available digitally (link below) and at the church.

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